Whenever Bernadette goes out in public the Paparazzi are always around to take snapshots of her. She’s now known because she sold two books.
Bernadette doesn’t mind the attention but Alexander gets uneasy and shy.
She even sits and poses for them.
Buck and Laide are both seniors now and still very much in love. Both have achieved their lifetime dream of raising 5 kids from baby to teenagers.
Bernadette and Alexander got married in the same park that her parents had gotten married at.
They had a small gathering after the wedding at her house.
Alexander and Bernadette moved in the house next door to her parents.
Bernadette is now pregnant and she often goes to visit her parents and siblings. They don’t always get along because of Bernadette’s grumpiness.
She gave birth to Claudette, with her mother’s crossed, slanted eyes and her father’s darker skin, she’s a light sleeper and hates the outdoors.
Laide loves being a grandmother to Claudette.
They often have family gatherings.
Claudette loves the close bond she has with her grandmother.
When they threw a swimsuit party, Bernadette attended, but Claudette was too embarrassed and shy to wear her swimsuit, she didn’t even want to look at them.
Her uncle Antoine made her some food and let her watch TV to make her feel comfortable during the party.
Bernadette gave birth to a second child, Claude, his eyes aren’t crooked and so far his traits are Virtuoso and insane. {I use the game’s random dice which turned out fine because there is insanity in his gene from his mother’s twin sister Berthe.}
Being much older than Bernadette, Alexander is now a Senior.
Claudette is now a teenager. The ugly gene is still apparent.
Claude is also growing. For some reason this is the hair that turned up on him. Girls hair?!? I don’t know if it’s because he’s insane because those hair are not even available to choose in the Change Appearance.
Claude is now a teenager with the following traits: Virtuoso, Insane, Mooch and Inappropriate.
Claude’s quirkiness makes him fit perfectly with the rest of the family.
Antoine has put on all the weight he had lost, and then some.
Berthe who used to be as thin as the others is now overweight.
Lol, this is awesome :)